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TMS Treatment vs. ECT: Comparing the benefits and effects

Transcranial magnetic stimulation is a non-invasive, non-pharmacological alternative to other depression treatments, including electroconvulsive therapy. TMS treatment is the use of a large electromagnetic coil applied to the forehead to stimulate nerve cell activity and treat symptoms such as depression, Tourette’s Syndrome, OCD, and many other psychiatric disorders while electroconvulsive therapy involves electric currents being passed through the brain to trigger brief seizures that can reverse symptoms of some mental illnesses. Both are means of treating depression, but the low-risk, non-invasive, and targeted nature of the TMS pioneered by Dr. Bradley Jabour at Smart Brain and Health makes it an optimal option for treatment.
According to an article on PsychCentral.com titled Risks and Side Effects of ECT, some patients have rare but potentially severe reactions to the anesthesia used during ECT. TMS treatment does not require anesthesia, and most patients experience little to no pain during treatment. In rare sensitive cases, an anesthetic balm (numbing cream) can be administered externally to alleviate any discomfort associated with the treatment. Another uncommon but potentially fatal risk associated with ECT therapy is cardiovascular complication. At the time of this article, there are 0 reported deaths due to transcranial magnetic stimulation. Although electroconvulsive therapy risks can be lowered by taking proper precautions for pre-existing conditions prior to treatment, the risk is still present.
Another one of the major side effects of ECT is short-term memory loss. TMS Therapy has little to no side effects; the only reported side effect, which has only been reported in some cases, is a slight headache which usually goes away after the first few treatments.
In today’s fast-moving society, it’s important to be able to return to one’s daily routine immediately following medical treatment. With transcranial magnetic stimulation, all patients are able to return to their daily activities almost immediately. However, with ECT treatment, the application of anesthesia means it can take hours for a patient to recover and continue with their day.
At Smart Brain and Health in Santa Monica, CA, Dr. Bradley Jabour and his team of board-certified, fellowship-trained radiologists have successfully treated hundreds of patients for symptoms including:
• Depression
• Tourette’s Syndrome
• Anxiety
• Bipolar disorder
• Auditory hallucinations
• Other psychiatric disorders.
To find out if TMS can help you, call Dr. Bradley Jabour and his team at 310-829-3438 or visit www.SmartBrainandHealth.com for more information.

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